March Update

Take 5 for 5B!

Dear Friends, 
Wow, the election year is upon us! Joe did a terrific job with his State of the Union speech last week. Republicans have had their caucus and ours is coming up May 23rd! In the meantime, Blaine County Dems are gearing up and working hard for our local candidates. 
Not sure what you can do? Take a look and Take 5 Actions for 5B!

  • Make your voice heard! Attend our BCDs’ meeting March 25 at the Blaine County Courthouse at 5:00 pm.

  • Provide an auction item for the Clint and Michelle Stennet Social in May.

  • Follow our incumbents Ron Taylor and Ned Burns on social media. They provide terrific updates on what’s happening in the legislature!

  • Volunteer for the caucus on May 23.

  • Tell five of your friends what you are doing to support Blaine County Democratic candidates and invite them to join you.

The Idaho Open Primaries Initiative has qualified for the ballot in District 26!

Great News! This means that 6% of the voters in this district signed a petition to get the initiative on the ballot in November.  

The initiative will end closed primary elections and create a non-partisan primary system.  This will ensure that the winner enjoys support from a broad coalition of voters which is what we need in Idaho!

Congratulations to Becky Klassen, Team Leader for District 26.  This doesn’t mean that Becky’s work is done. Her team will still be collecting signatures to ensure the state total is achieved. Thank you, Becky!

We look forward to seeing you all as the election season heats up. Thank you for your support!


—Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair

Speakers at the Blaine County Democrats' sponsored event on Reproductive Healthcare

Speakers at the Blaine County Democrats sponsored event on reproductive healthcare: Jen Jackson Quintano, founder of the Pro Voice Project; Mikayla Sundquist, board member of the Pro Voice Project; Ned Burns, District 26 legislator; Sheridan Britt, storyteller; and Dr. Julie Lyons, Wood River Valley physician and plaintiff in Adkins v. Idaho.

This past weekend, many in our Valley were buzzing about several events sponsored by the Blaine County Democrats. Three events, with over 100 locals attending, highlighted the critical need for reproductive choice in our state and country.

Jen Jackson Quintano of The Pro Voice Project was a featured speaker and also led a writing workshop, all with the aim of supporting women, and giving voice to their stories about abortion and reproductive healthcare.

Jen, based out of Sandpoint, has travelled the state conducting these workshops and turning women's stories into powerful stage productions. She reminded her audiences why these stories are so important, that this is not a political issue, but a healthcare issue that crosses political lines and that it is important for women and men to stand up and be heard on issues surrounding reproductive choice.

One of the most powerful speakers was Sheridan Britt, a local mother of two, who told her own story of pregnancy, a fatal medical diagnosis and the incredible roadblocks she faced to get a necessary abortion. Many commented that this is only one of hundreds of similar stories that are happening in our state and the resulting cost to mothers, families and communities as maternity clinics close and obgyns flee the state.

In all, more than one hundred men and women attended these events and left empowered to talk more openly about this too often taboo subject. As The Pro Voice Project says, "The healing is in the sharing. Both personally and politically. Dare to bear witness. Dare to be heard."

Participants Elizabeth Cashin, Jima Rice and Carol Gullstad

February Update


To my fellow Democratic Supporters,

I hope you saw our Democratic faces at the Empty Bowls event in January. What a wonderful event and thanks to all who came out and worked on it.

There was a huge community turnout (Mary Fauth estimated 300 people) and a big Blaine County Dem Committee turnout, too. We had coverage on flyers on all the tables, a big Blaine County Dem sign over the soup table, and all our volunteers wore their name tags which many people noticed too.

What a wonderful event! Thanks to all the Blaine County Dems who came out and worked to support this event! Their endeavors harmoniously coalesced, creating a ripple of positivity. However, to truly make a monumental difference within our community, we need more hearts and hands united in positive impact.

We would ask you to consider being a precinct committeeman. The filing dates for legislative candidates and precinct committeemen is March 4-15. By filing for committeeman, your name will appear on the Democratic ballot in your precinct on for the primary election on May 21. Precinct committeemen represent their precinct on the Blaine County Democratic Central Committee. Please contact us for further information. We would love to see new faces on the committee. Our committee has much work to be done in this election year. Plans are already in place to hire organizers for Legislative District.

May is going to be a big month for the party. The Clint and Michelle Stennett Social will be held May 3. The primary election is May 21, and the presidential caucus will be held May 23. Both the social and the caucus will need all hands on deck. We will be reaching out for volunteers for both events.

—Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair

Open Primaries Update

District 26 is getting very close to qualifying the Open Primary Initiative. Please contact Becky Klassen to help or to sign! Email:

Follow the statehouse and contact your representatives.

Sen. Ron Taylor (D)


(208) 332-1353


  • Agricultural Affairs

  • Health & Welfare

  • Resources & Environment

Rep. Ned Burns (D), A

Minority Caucus Chair


(208) 332-1174


  • Resources & Conservation

  • Revenue & Taxation

  • Transportation & Defense

  • Ways & Means

Rep. Jack Nelson (R), B


(208) 332-1032


  • Agricultural Affairs

  • Education

  • Resources & Conservation

January Update

Happy New Year!

It is time for New Year’s Resolutions, and I have just the thing for Democratic voters in Blaine County.

I am asking you to Take 5 for 5B.

Make a resolution to take five actions each month to support our county party and our legislative and county party candidates.

Here are some ideas to get you started this month:

  1. Give $5 to Blaine County Democrats or our local legislators, Sen Ron Taylor and Rep Ned Burns.

  2. Invite five people to the next Blaine County Democrats meeting to be held January 29 at the Blaine County Courthouse at 6 p.m.

  3. Invite five people to make a recurring donation to Blaine County Democrats.

  4. Attend the next meeting yourself.

  5. Like, comment, or share 5 social media posts for Blaine County Democrats on Facebook or Instagram.

Later in the year, we will be looking for volunteers for the caucus, for our Clint and Michelle Stennett fundraiser and for doorknockers, phone callers, post card writers for our legislative races.

The possibilities are endless. And they make a difference. I know that precinct captain Chantal Westerman is going to hit five right away as she is writing thank you notes to our newly registered Democratic voters and to the people who have recently signed up for recurring donations to Blaine County Democrats.

Your Democratic vote in Blaine County matters. We elect Democrats in this county. To ensure we are able to continue to elect Democrats in our Legislative District-which includes Lincoln and Jerome County, we must get every Democratic voter to the polls in November. Your mindful efforts to Take 5 for 5B will help us accomplish this.

Let’s be mindful of the difference our individual actions will make in the elections in 2024.

—Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair

Next Dems Meeting

Monday, January 29 • 5–6:30 p.m.
Old Blaine County Courthouse, Commissioners Room

Come meet our Precient Captains! We will be discussing plans for 2024 including our budget, volunteering and fundraising ideas. All are welcome!

BCD Sponsors The 12th Annual Empty Bowls Event – Sunday, Jan. 21

Blaine County Dems are proud to be a bronze sponsor of the 12th annual Empty Bowls event hosted by the Blaine County Charitable Fund. This annual gathering is a favorite for more than 400 friends and family in the Wood River Valley.

 For just $25, participants receive a handmade bowl by Boulder Mountain Clayworks filled with a delicious warm meal donated by dozens of local restaurants and chefs on Sunday, Jan. 21 from 11:30 a..m - 2 p.m. at The Church of the Big Wood in Ketchum, 100 Saddle Road. Hosted by the Blaine County Charitable Fund, Boulder Mountain Clayworks, and the Church of the Big Wood, the event's proceeds will benefit the Blaine County Charitable Fund, which is dedicated to assisting the local workforce by creating stable and resilient communities in the Wood River Valley.

 BCD Officers and Precinct Captains will be on hand to volunteer at the event so we look forward to seeing you there. If you wish to volunteer sign up at

2024 Legislative 26 Send-Off Event Recap

We had more than 50 people come out to the Hailey Town Center on Friday, Dec 29 to help send-off Sen. Ron Taylor and Rep. Ned Burns to the Idaho Statehouse. We listened to a presentation from Ron and Ned as they gear up for the 2024 session, and got a sneak peek of what is in store for their District 26 constituents. Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments were provided and the silent auction with items donated by local businesses was a great success. Thank you Legislative District 26 Chair Karen Bliss for making this a fun and informative evening.

Important Dates for the Upcoming Year!

Declaration of Candidacy Filing Period for the primary elections
March 4-15

This filing date includes the petitions of candidacy for precinct captains. Precinct captains are elected during the primary election.  Both parties have their slate of candidates.  We have had more than one person run for Democratic precinct captain in at least one prior election.

Idaho State Primary Elections
May 21 

This includes legislative primary races and precinct captain elections.

Presidential Caucus / Primary: The Idaho Republican legislators apparently unintentionally eliminated the presidential primary for 2024. Instead, the respective political parties will run their own caucus, count their own votes, and follow the rules of their own party.  The state Democratic party submitted their plans to the national party according to guidelines set by the national party.  Those plans were approved.  Now, each Democratic county party will hold a caucus on May 23, from 5:00-8:00 pm. Final details for Blaine county caucus will be announced at a later date.  Additionally, county delegates to the state convention are elected by the participants of the caucus.

Reorganization of county parties: Statute dictates the election of county and legislative officers within 14 days of the state primary. The tentative date for Blaine County Democrats reorganization will be May 23, after the close of the caucus.


Idaho Democratic State Convention
June 22-23 • Moscow, Idaho

At this meeting, the state delegates will elect the delegates to the national convention to be held in Chicago.  State delegates also determine the Idaho Democratic Party Platform. I will provide further details concerning number of county delegates, process of election of national delegates, etc. at a later date.

National Democratic Convention
August 19-22 • Chicago, IL

BCD Sponsors The 12th Annual Empty Bowls Event – Sunday, Jan. 21

Blaine County Dems are proud to be a bronze sponsor of the 12th annual Empty Bowls event hosted by the Blaine County Charitable Fund. This annual gathering is a favorite for more than 400 friends and family in the Wood River Valley.

For just $25, participants receive a handmade bowl by Boulder Mountain Clayworks filled with a delicious warm meal donated by dozens of local restaurants and chefs on Sunday, Jan. 21 from 11:30 a..m - 2 p.m. at The Church of the Big Wood in Ketchum, 100 Saddle Road. Hosted by the Blaine County Charitable Fund, Boulder Mountain Clayworks, and the Church of the Big Wood, the event's proceeds will benefit the Blaine County Charitable Fund, which is dedicated to assisting the local workforce by creating stable and resilient communities in the Wood River Valley.

BCD Officers and Precinct Captains will be on hand to volunteer at the event so we look forward to seeing you there. If you wish to volunteer sign up at

2024 Legislative 26 Send-Off Event Recap

We had more than 50 people come out to the Hailey Town Center on Friday, Dec 29 to help send-off Sen. Ron Taylor and Rep. Ned Burns to the Idaho Statehouse. We listened to a presentation from Ron and Ned as they gear up for the 2024 session, and got a sneak peek of what is in store for their District 26 constituents. Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments were provided and the silent auction with items donated by local businesses was a great success. Thank you Legislative District 26 Chair Karen Bliss for making this a fun and informative evening.

December Update

Happy Holidays!

The holiday season is a great time to start thinking about our upcoming elections.

Blaine county votes for Democrats at a rate of over 70%.  That is the highest rate in the state.  Our county is a dot of blue in a very red landscape.   Our voters are the key to the election of our incumbents, Ron Taylor and Ned Burns. We are compiling lists of people who want to help during the election year. Help us maximize our influence by donating, by volunteering to knock on doors, write letters to the editor, make phone calls, and reach out to others to help.

Blaine County Democrats are fundraising in order to hire organizers for the upcoming election year. Already this month, we held a successful joint fundraising event with the state party.  You can participate with a monthly donation of $5, $10, or more.  Please click on the link below to make a one time donation or to set up a recurring donation.

November was a big month for Blaine County Democrats in action.

School board elections-our local party members were core volunteers in the election of Nora Roebuck and Lara Stone.  We knocked on doors, wrote postcards, dropped literature, and rejoiced at their solid victories.  

Signature gathering for Open Primary initiative-many of us participated in a door knock for Reclaim Idaho.  There was also an event held on election day. outside the polling places gathering signatures. Blaine county is over half way there in collecting the 1600 signatures needed in this district! Contact Becky Klassen to help or to sign, her contact information is 208-309-0366.

Be safe this holiday season!

Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair

BCD Sponsors The 12th Annual Empty Bowls Event

Blaine County Dems are proud to be a bronze sponsor of the 12th annual Empty Bowls event hosted by the Blaine County Charitable Fund. This annual gathering is a favorite for more than 400 friends and family in the Wood River Valley. 

For just $25 participants receive a handmade bowl by Boulder Mountain Clayworks filled with a delicious warm meal donated by dozens of local restaurants and chefs on Sunday, January 21st from 11:30am - 2pm at The Church of the Big Wood in Ketchum, 100 Saddle Road. This year event proceeds benefit the host which is dedicated to assisting with basic needs of the local workforce struggling in our valley. 

BCD Officers and Precinct Captains will be on hand to volunteer at the event so we look forward to seeing you there. If you wish to volunteer sign up at or contact Mary Fauth at 208-244-5305 ext. 700.

2024 Legislative Send-Off

Start the year off strong and join Legislative District 26 Democrats on Friday, December 29th, as we send-off Senator Ron Taylor and Representative Ned Burns to the Idaho Statehouse.  Enjoy good bites and good company as the Blaine, Lincoln and Jerome County Chairs host the 6:00PM event at the Hailey Town Center West located at 116 S River Street.

Listen to a presentation from Ron and Ned as they gear up for the 2024 session and get a sneak peak of what it will hold in store for their District 26 constituents.

Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments provided and be sure to participate in a silent auction with items donated by local businesses. 

Happy Holidays,
Karen Bliss, Legislative District 26 Chair

New Precinct Captains

We're happy to announce two new precinct captains.

  • Linda McMahon – 12 Poverty Flats

  • Melissa Graves Brown – 9 SW Hailey

Are You Registered to Vote?

Voting is a fundamental pillar of democracy, granting every citizen the power to influence the direction of their nation, state, and community. By casting a vote, you not only exercise your constitutional right but also ensure that your voice is heard. Visit the links below for information on how to vote in Idaho and make sure you are registered.

Selection Committee recommends three candidates for commissioner vacancy appointment

The Blaine County Democrats special Selection Committee has received, interviewed, and recommended three candidates from whom Governor Little will appoint to fill recently deceased Commissioner Dick Fosbury’s vacancy.

The Committee feels strong about all three candidates, who include Bellevue Mayor Kathryn Goldman, Environmental Resource Center executive director Lindsay Mollineaux, and Blaine County Human Resources generalist Justin Highhouse.

The governor will announce his appoint no later than April 12.

Remembering Dick Fosbury

Manuel Queimadelos Alonso / Getty Images


With the passing of Dick Fosbury, Blaine County lost not only a great representative in local government but also one of its finest inspirations. An avid Democrat, Dick dedicated his life to bettering the community and will be remembered fondly as a great representative for our area. A champion Olympic high jumper, Dick achieved remarkable athletic feats and is remembered as a true inspiration whose legacy will continue to motivate future generations within athletics. His passing is a great loss but Blaine County will never forget his great efforts and positive influence.