To my fellow Democratic Supporters,
I hope you saw our Democratic faces at the Empty Bowls event in January. What a wonderful event and thanks to all who came out and worked on it.
There was a huge community turnout (Mary Fauth estimated 300 people) and a big Blaine County Dem Committee turnout, too. We had coverage on flyers on all the tables, a big Blaine County Dem sign over the soup table, and all our volunteers wore their name tags which many people noticed too.
What a wonderful event! Thanks to all the Blaine County Dems who came out and worked to support this event! Their endeavors harmoniously coalesced, creating a ripple of positivity. However, to truly make a monumental difference within our community, we need more hearts and hands united in positive impact.
We would ask you to consider being a precinct committeeman. The filing dates for legislative candidates and precinct committeemen is March 4-15. By filing for committeeman, your name will appear on the Democratic ballot in your precinct on for the primary election on May 21. Precinct committeemen represent their precinct on the Blaine County Democratic Central Committee. Please contact us for further information. We would love to see new faces on the committee. Our committee has much work to be done in this election year. Plans are already in place to hire organizers for Legislative District.
May is going to be a big month for the party. The Clint and Michelle Stennett Social will be held May 3. The primary election is May 21, and the presidential caucus will be held May 23. Both the social and the caucus will need all hands on deck. We will be reaching out for volunteers for both events.
—Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair
Open Primaries Update
District 26 is getting very close to qualifying the Open Primary Initiative. Please contact Becky Klassen to help or to sign! Email:
Follow the statehouse and contact your representatives.
Sen. Ron Taylor (D)
(208) 332-1353
Agricultural Affairs
Health & Welfare
Resources & Environment
Rep. Ned Burns (D), A
Minority Caucus Chair
(208) 332-1174
Resources & Conservation
Revenue & Taxation
Transportation & Defense
Ways & Means
Rep. Jack Nelson (R), B
(208) 332-1032
Agricultural Affairs
Resources & Conservation