
December Update

Happy Holidays!

The holiday season is a great time to start thinking about our upcoming elections.

Blaine county votes for Democrats at a rate of over 70%.  That is the highest rate in the state.  Our county is a dot of blue in a very red landscape.   Our voters are the key to the election of our incumbents, Ron Taylor and Ned Burns. We are compiling lists of people who want to help during the election year. Help us maximize our influence by donating, by volunteering to knock on doors, write letters to the editor, make phone calls, and reach out to others to help.

Blaine County Democrats are fundraising in order to hire organizers for the upcoming election year. Already this month, we held a successful joint fundraising event with the state party.  You can participate with a monthly donation of $5, $10, or more.  Please click on the link below to make a one time donation or to set up a recurring donation.

November was a big month for Blaine County Democrats in action.

School board elections-our local party members were core volunteers in the election of Nora Roebuck and Lara Stone.  We knocked on doors, wrote postcards, dropped literature, and rejoiced at their solid victories.  

Signature gathering for Open Primary initiative-many of us participated in a door knock for Reclaim Idaho.  There was also an event held on election day. outside the polling places gathering signatures. Blaine county is over half way there in collecting the 1600 signatures needed in this district! Contact Becky Klassen to help or to sign, her contact information is 208-309-0366.

Be safe this holiday season!

Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair

BCD Sponsors The 12th Annual Empty Bowls Event

Blaine County Dems are proud to be a bronze sponsor of the 12th annual Empty Bowls event hosted by the Blaine County Charitable Fund. This annual gathering is a favorite for more than 400 friends and family in the Wood River Valley. 

For just $25 participants receive a handmade bowl by Boulder Mountain Clayworks filled with a delicious warm meal donated by dozens of local restaurants and chefs on Sunday, January 21st from 11:30am - 2pm at The Church of the Big Wood in Ketchum, 100 Saddle Road. This year event proceeds benefit the host which is dedicated to assisting with basic needs of the local workforce struggling in our valley. 

BCD Officers and Precinct Captains will be on hand to volunteer at the event so we look forward to seeing you there. If you wish to volunteer sign up at www.empty-bowls.org or contact Mary Fauth at 208-244-5305 ext. 700.

2024 Legislative Send-Off

Start the year off strong and join Legislative District 26 Democrats on Friday, December 29th, as we send-off Senator Ron Taylor and Representative Ned Burns to the Idaho Statehouse.  Enjoy good bites and good company as the Blaine, Lincoln and Jerome County Chairs host the 6:00PM event at the Hailey Town Center West located at 116 S River Street.

Listen to a presentation from Ron and Ned as they gear up for the 2024 session and get a sneak peak of what it will hold in store for their District 26 constituents.

Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments provided and be sure to participate in a silent auction with items donated by local businesses. 

Happy Holidays,
Karen Bliss, Legislative District 26 Chair

New Precinct Captains

We're happy to announce two new precinct captains.

  • Linda McMahon – 12 Poverty Flats

  • Melissa Graves Brown – 9 SW Hailey

Are You Registered to Vote?

Voting is a fundamental pillar of democracy, granting every citizen the power to influence the direction of their nation, state, and community. By casting a vote, you not only exercise your constitutional right but also ensure that your voice is heard. Visit the links below for information on how to vote in Idaho and make sure you are registered.

Chilly day, warm elections

The Wood River Valley woke up to more snow. But that didn’t stop Ron Taylor’s volunteers from displaying their support. Positioned at four different locations throughout Hailey and Ketchum, the chilly morning had nothing on the warm encouragement to get voters to the polls from Ron’s team.

Ron Taylor and LD26 chair Janie Davidson encourage voters to get to the polls.

Election Day is already here!

Election Day is upon us!

And I’m constantly humbled by the handfuls of volunteers that are bearing the weather and dedicating the time to support our legislative district candidates. Our community has really stepped up to the occasion to fight for our district’s future, reaffirming my belief in Ron, Ned, and Karma.

Our grade-A field organizer Scout Hutchinson has been working ‘round the clock to organize, train, and support door knocker and phone bankers. Her leadership is making a difference in helping us gain the support of voters and getting them to plan for casting their ballots.

We’re working hard to ensure Democratic representation at the statehouse for Blaine County. And there’s always room for another volunteer. Sign-up to push Ron, Ned, and Karma over the victory line!

—Pedro Manuel, chair, Blaine County Democrats.

Scout Hutchinson prepares Åsa Chandler, Karen Bliss, and Judy Foster for an Election Day eve GOTV door knock.

Helen Stone has placed a multitude of calls, encouraging voters to show up on Election Day.

Senate candidate Ron Taylor never stops campaigning! He continues his efforts by phone banking at the Blaine County Democratic Headquarters.

Georgia Hutchinson has been phone banking for at least three shifts a day since Friday, November 4.

We're getting out the vote!

Over 50 volunteers from Blaine County and from around the state showed support to LD26 Democratic candidates by knocking on over 2,700 doors in one day!

Over 50 volunteers from Blaine County and from around the state showed support to LD26 Democratic candidates by knocking on over 2,700 doors in one day!

Volunteers showed the love for LD26 Democratic candidates in this weekend's Trick Or Vote Saturday Canvass!

Our legislative district candidates started off the get-out-the-vote period with a loud showing of support! Blaine County Democrats friends Sen. Melissa Wintrow, Rep. Ilana Rubel, Boise Mayor Lauren McLean, Rep. Sally Toone, Sen. Michelle Stennet, Commissioner Muffy Davis, and former Rep. Donna Pence traveled to participate along with their volunteers! Along with our local volunteers, 52 canvassers help knock on over 2,700 doors in Blaine County in one day! The support from out-of-town leaders—two running for election themselves—highlights the importance of electing Democratic candidates in our district.

Ron Taylor, Ned Burns, and Karma Metzler Fitzgerald are really working hard to win votes! And so are volunteers who believe in our great candidates.

But our efforts cannot end there. We still need help from volunteers to leave no door un-knocked and no phone un-called in the district. We need every Democratic vote we can get for  candidates who get what Blaine County residents and Idahoans need!

Ready to support Ron, Ned, and Karma? Call or email our awesome field organizer Scout Hutchinson to help ensure that Democrats win the district election! ‭(208) 721-2590‬ • scout@idahodems.org

Local Democrats welcome Republicans en route to their own door-knock.

Sen. Melissa Wintrow and her volunteers getting pumped up.

Campaign managers Zach Reid (Ned Burns) and Naomi McDougall Jones (Ron Taylor) discuss canvassing efforts.

Blaine County Democrats vice chair Karen Bliss and volunteer Judy Foster plan a future door knock.

Volunteers gather around to find out who won best costume.