"Things are heating up in committees and we are starting to see several pieces of legislation designed to curtail voting rights, restrict personal rights, remove rights from marginalized communities, fund private and religious schools while taking money from public schools and attacks on our healthcare system.
Entering week six of this legislative session I continue to focus my energy on positive, thoughtful issues that support freedom, family and ensuring a better future for our children. Preserving Medicaid expansion is critical to keeping healthcare accessible and affordable for all Idahoan’s, keeping our public lands public and protecting our water resources.”
NOVEMBER UPDATE: Blaine County Election Debrief
Twenty-Five Days and Four Weekends To Go!
Dear Fellow Democrats,
While we worked tirelessly for Democratic victories up and down the ballot at every level, we did not achieve the outcome we hoped for. This is a hard blow on many levels, but it does not diminish the immense pride I feel in the commitment shown by our Democratic candidates and the entire Blaine County community.
We celebrate the victories of State Senator Ron Taylor, Sheriff Morgan Ballis, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Fredback, and County Commissioners Lindsay Molleneaux and Angie McCleary. While State Representative Ned Burns and candidate Chris Hansen came up just short of victory, we are incredibly proud of them. They fought with unwavering dedication and embodied the ethical leadership that we stand for.
I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our incredible volunteers. Whether you canvassed, made phone calls, wrote postcards, marched, waved signs, raised funds, or supported our candidates in any other way—your contributions were essential. Your dedication remains the foundation of everything we do, and we are deeply grateful for each and every one of you.
One thing that is helping me move through this dark time is that, throughout this election, I’ve had the privilege of meeting so many passionate individuals and it’s clear that we have come together as a community, and that unity is something we will carry forward. These hard-won successes, even in the face of challenges, reflect the strength, resilience, and shared values that define us.
We did not achieve all that we hoped for, but together, we've created a COMMUNITY and a movement that is strong. I feel confident that we are laying the groundwork to continue our fight.
I remain committed to the work ahead and know that we are united in our vision for a more just, equitable, and prosperous district and state. Stay tuned!
In solidarity,
Deborah Silver
Chair, Blaine County Democrats
OCTOBER UPDATE: Firing On All Cylinders!
"Things are firing on all cylinders right now, and we’re excited as we approach the final days of the campaign."
- Ned Burns, Legislator for our District 26!
Twenty-Five Days and Four Weekends To Go!
Young people are a hidden group of voters. Anyone that will be over the age of 18 before the election can vote. If they are out of state but registered to vote here, BUG THOSE YOUNG PEOPLE TO MAKE A PLAN TO VOTE! We keep saying this, but Ned Burns only won by 37 votes in the last election! EVERY VOTE COUNTS!
Early Voting Begins October 21:
Your Guide to Voting and Registration in Idaho
Make Your Voice Heard: Don't wait until the last minute—register to vote today and take advantage of early voting starting October 21.’
Register to Vote: You can register to vote until this Saturday, October 12 at [VoteIdaho.gov](https://www.voteidaho.gov). After that, you can register to vote on November 5th, election day. Idaho allows you to register without affiliating with a political party, though you'll be asked if you want to choose a party affiliation.
Already registered? You can check your voter registration status by visiting https://www.voteidaho.gov or by calling the Elections Office at 208-788-5510.
Vote Early: Early voting allows you to vote before Election Day and is available from October 21 through November 1.
Election Day Voting: All polling places will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. To find your polling place, contact the Blaine County Election Office at 208-788-5510.
Identification at the Polls: If you plan to vote on Election Day, remember that you will need to present a valid photo ID to cast your ballot.
Absentee Voting in Blaine County is Easy and Convenient!
Request your absentee ballot online at https://voteidaho.gov/. Requests must be signed and submitted no later than 11 days before the election by 5pm.
After completing the form, send it via email to govote@co.blaine.id.us, fax to 208-788-5511, or mail to Blaine County Elections, 206 1st Ave S, Suite 200, Hailey, ID 83333.
Once you receive your absentee ballot, sign the affidavit on the return envelope. Return the ballot by mail, in person, or drop it off in the drop box at the east side of the Old Courthouse in Hailey. Ballots must be returned by 8pm on Election Day. Late ballots or unsigned affidavits will not be counted.
For questions or replacement ballots, call the Elections Department at 208-788-5510. To check your ballot status, visit https://voteidaho.gov/
Messages From Our Candidates
This week, Ron was busy knocking doors, delivering signs, attending the Community Library presentation on Proposition 1, and attending the 100 Men Who Care meeting on lack of affordable housing in Blaine county. It was super informative!
I will be door knocking almost everyday until election day. Call me to join my team! 208-831-1726! It's a great way to hear from locals and what they care about. I've had some great conversations and I look forward to taking all this input back to Boise to represent ALL my constituents!
Team Chris has been joyfully collecting individual endorsements and continuing to distribute yard signs throughout the district. Our canvassing operation has been pleased to continue our partnership with Ron Taylor, showing voters the powerful combination of two public servants. We are happy to offer a Tab for Teachers tonight at La Cabinita - first drink is on Chris and Ron after parent teacher conferences! Same with Friday morning at Coffee Corner in Bellevue, Black Owl in Hailey, and Maude’s in Ketchum. Thank you for your continued support and the good vibes! We are continuing to Find a Way Forward!
Over the last weekend Ned and several canvassers knocked over 2,100 doors in a hugely successful canvas. Ned also sent out over 600 postcards for a meet and greet in Jerome at Cheverria restaurant this coming Saturday from 4:30 - 6:30pm which will follow a Jerome canvas. He also sent 7,000 text messages to undecided voters and subsequently messaged with several hundred voters. "Things are firing on all cylinders right now, and we’re excited as we approach the final days of the campaign."
Doors, doors, doors! Our team has been focused on engaging with voters face to face in Ketchum and Sun Valley this past week. We will be knocking doors in full force until the election! Our team continues to work on placing Ballis for Sheriff signs across the valley. We hope you are enjoying the patriotic glitter on your commute!
Here are a few ways you can support Morgan Ballis for Sheriff:
Your voice is powerful! Talk with friends and family about why you support Morgan.
Hit the streets! Volunteer to door knock or work the tables at public events.
VOTE! We need full voter turnout to elect Morgan and the LD26 candidates!
And a special shoutout to Blaine County Commissioners Angenie McCleary and Lindsay Mollineaux, along with Prosecuting Attorney Matt Fredrick, who are running unopposed! Thank you for your service!
SEPTEMBER Update: The Convention Was Magic! Let's Keep The Momentum Going
As we return from the exhilarating Democratic National Convention in Chicago, I am filled with a renewed sense of hope, inspiration, and an unshakeable determination to make a difference. The energy in the convention hall was electric. I wish every one of you could have been there with us! It was truly once in a lifetime!
It was a powerful reminder of what we can achieve when we stand united in our values and our vision for a better future. (Scroll down to see ideas of what you can do in the coming week!)
Chicago, a city that has witnessed so much history and change, served as the perfect backdrop for our gathering. There, we celebrated our progress, confronted our challenges, and laid out a bold vision for the path ahead. We heard from leaders who have fought tirelessly for justice, equality, and the rights of all Americans. Their words reminded us that we are part of something much larger than ourselves—a movement grounded in the belief that we can and must build a country where everyone has a fair shot at success.
But it wasn’t just the speeches that moved me. It was the conversations in the hallways, the shared meals, the camaraderie among more than 4,700 delegates from every corner of our nation. Each of us carried our unique stories and experiences, yet we were united by a common purpose: to fight for the soul of our democracy and to ensure that the promise of America is available to all, not just the privileged few.
Now, more than ever, we must harness this energy and bring it back home to Blaine County. We are in the final stretch of this election season, and the stakes could not be higher. The choices we make in the coming weeks will determine the future of our communities, our state, and our country.
So, I ask each of you—what will you do with this fire that has been ignited within us? Will you knock on doors, make phone calls, or talk to your neighbors about the importance of voting? Will you volunteer your time, contribute to our local candidates, and ensure that our message reaches every corner of Legislative District 26? Will you stand up and be counted, not just for yourself, but for those who cannot?
This is our moment. Let’s not let it slip away. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can bring about the change we so desperately need. Stay hopeful. Stay inspired.
And most importantly, stay fired up and, in the words of Michelle Obama, DO SOMETHING!
In solidarity,
Deborah Silver
Chairwoman, Blaine County Democrats
"The Convention is more than just the televised events—it's a deeply personal experience. Attending the Women’s Caucus with my wife and daughter, we were thrilled to hear from inspiring Democratic Congresswomen and see Governor Tim Walz fire up the crowd." — LeRoy Hayes - Blaine County Democratic Committee
July Update
Thanks to the volunteers that showed their Democratic pride at the Independence Day parade in Hailey!
A word from our Chair
I can’t believe the Fourth is over and we are in the heat of summer. Blaine County Dems came out in force and made our voices heard at the Hailey Fourth of July parade! I am truly inspired by all the folks that showed up and stood up!
Grass Roots Democracy in Action!
Thanks to all the Blaine County delegates who made the pilgrimage to Moscow for our state Democratic convention in June. We finalized our state party platform and elected delegates to the National Convention coming up in August in Chicago. Three representatives from Blaine County were elected to the National Convention: Aimee Christensen, Jim Fabe and myself, and we are all pledged candidates for President Joe Biden. I have to say, we may see more fireworks at the convention!
It is worth your time to take a look at our Idaho Democratic party platform.
It makes me proud that we stand for:
A quality education for every Idaho student
An economy that works for everyone
Equity, Justice, and Opportunity for All
Quality and Accessible Health Care for All
Strengthening Our Democracy
And, as a contrast, take a look at the Idaho Republican platform. It’s chilling to say the least. Open carry, abortion is murder, God in schools and government, and so many other EXTREMIST positions. Yikes!
Your local support and involvement sends a message to the far right in Idaho and sends a message to our courageous candidates that are willing to stand up to this madness!
We need lots of help in lots of different ways. Every action you take makes a difference!
And as always, please support our local candidates with a donation.
Thank you!
Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democratic Chair
Team Hansen Passes Out Peanuts, Plans Goat Rodeo
Chris Hansen took a suggestion and passed out peanuts to the gathered revelers at the Hailey Fourth of July Parade. “My dad suggested it, and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense,” said the high school teacher and candidate for Idaho Representative in District 26B. "The peanut is a nutritional powerhouse, affordable, and can be used to corral elephants that have run amok.” Team Hansen was joined by four different team members under the age of 6 for the parade, and thoroughly enjoyed the outpouring of support from volunteers Erin and Tom Howland and Nate Twichell.
Next up for Hansen is a series of house parties in Hailey and Ketchum, as the political newcomer tries to meet his fundraising goal by the end of July. The part-time goat handler also announced the 1st Annual Rancho Golden Huevo Goat Rodeo as a campaign launch for volunteers and supporters. More details to follow at hansenforIdaho.com and on Facebook.
A Note from Ron Taylor
Ron will be representing Idaho later this month during the Pacific Northwest Economic Region Annual Conference. He’s been busy campaigning! Here, he is pausing for a moment to enjoy a little fun with his family at our state’s capital.
How Red State Democrats Can Impact Purple State Victories
Many Democrats in Blaine County have moved from blue and purple states and friends tell us they some times feel isolated in Idaho’s predominantly Republican landscape. We understand but your political engagement is crucial both locally and beyond Idaho. Purple states, with their delicate political balance, can greatly benefit from your activism.
Being a Democrat in a red state doesn't mean your voice is powerless. Through remote volunteering, financial support, social media advocacy, and more, you can influence elections in purple states and support Democratic candidates.
Your efforts contribute to a balanced political landscape and the success of progressive policies. Every action counts, both in Blaine County and nationwide.
Here are ways you can connect:
Make new Democratic friends! Join Us at the the “Fun”raiser at Rheinheimer Ranch on July 14th at 4 pm! (Just south of Ketchum - look for the balloons!) And while you’re there, ask some old timers about the Blue Girls Group!
Donate to Key Campaigns: Small donations to competitive races in purple states can significantly aid Democratic candidates.
Engage in Social Media Advocacy: Share and amplify Democratic candidates’ posts to boost their visibility.
Encourage Friends and Family: Motivate your contacts in purple states to get involved and vote.
Engage in Cross-State Collaboration: Coordinate with Democratic groups in purple states to strengthen campaigns.
Participate in Virtual Events and Town Halls: Engage in online events to support and learn about candidates in purple states.
Support Local GOTV Efforts: Volunteer with organizations focused on increasing voter turnout in swing states.
Volunteer Remotely: Use technology to make calls, send texts, and write postcards for campaigns in swing states.
Write Letters to the Editor: Influence public opinion by writing letters supporting Democratic candidates in purple states.
Stay Informed and Educate Others: Share reliable political information to combat misinformation and encourage voting.
Join National Organizations: Stay informed and find opportunities to contribute beyond Idaho through groups like:
GiveGreen channels donations to candidates and causes that prioritize environmental policies and climate action.
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee works to elect Democrats to state legislatures across the country, with a focus on flipping seats in purple states.
Swing Left works to flip seats in the House, Senate, and state legislatures, particularly in swing districts and states.
Indivisible holds elected officials accountable and advocates for policy changes, supports candidates through direct action, and provides training and resources.
Emily's List elects pro-choice Democratic women at all levels of government by providing financial support, training, and strategic guidance to female candidates, with a focus on competitive races.
ActBlue facilitates online fundraising for campaigns, allowing donors to contribute easily to multiple candidates and causes.
Fair Fight Action focuses on promoting fair elections and combating voter suppression.
Support Vulnerable Democratic Incumbents in 2024
US Senate: Focus on helping Jon Tester (Montana); Sherrod Brown (Ohio); Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin); Jacky Rosen (Nevada) and Bob Casey (Pennsylvania).
US House: Aid the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's (DCCC) "Frontline" program by supporting incumbents in competitive districts: Mary Peltola (AK-AL); Mike Levin (CA-49); Yadira Caraveo (CO-08); Jahana Hayes (CT-05); Nikki Budzinski (IL-13); Eric Sorensen (IL-17); Frank Mrvan (IN-01); Sharice Davids (KS-03); Jared Golden (ME-02); Hillary Scholten (MI-03); Dan Kildee (MI-08); Angie Craig (MN-02); Susie Lee (NV-03); Steven Horsford (NV-04); Chris Pappas (NH-01); Gabriel Vasquez (NM-02); Pat Ryan (NY-18); Don Davis (NC-01); Wiley Nickel (NC-13); Greg Landsman (OH-01); Marcy Kaptur (OH-09); Emilia Sykes (OH-13); Andrea Salinas (OR-06); Susan Wild (PA-07); Matt Cartwright (PA-08); Chris Deluzio (PA-17); Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-03); and Kim Schrier (WA-08).
June Update
Thanks to the Social committee of GG Luke, Bev Robinson, Janie Davidson. Karen Bliss for a wonderful event!
A word from our Chair
Greetings, Friends! May was a very big month for Blaine County Democrats.Here’s what’s been happening:
The Clint and Michelle Stennett Social was successful on many fronts: over 170 attended and we met our fundraising goal. We heard from all our candidates and they are impressive! The food was great and there was lots of catching up with old friends. Thanks to the Social committee of Bev Robinson, Janie Davidson, Karen Bliss, and GG Luke for a wonderful event!
Congrats to Morgan Ballis successfully receiving the Democratic nomination for sheriff. Morgan needs our support to win in November!
Lindsay Mollineaux won the primary for county commissioner. There was no Republican nominee, which means Lindsay remains as county commissioner. Congratulations!
We elected eleven Precinct Captains. Thanks to all the Precinct Captainsfor committing your time and talents to our local party. We are looking to fill five more positions as precinct captains. If you are interested, please let us know.
We held the Democratic caucus two days after the primary election. Joe Biden is our candidate. We also determined our delegates to the state convention, which is June 22. Thank you, Pamela Ridgway for all your work!
Karen Bliss, chair of Legislative District 26, was in Jerome assisting the Jerome caucus along with Bev Robinson who is the regional chair. Gini Ballou was in Lincoln County caucusing there.
Chantal Westerman, vice chair of Legislative District 26, convened a reorganization meeting of the Legislative District 26 committee and the committee elected officers for that group for the next two years.
Every vote in Blaine County counts – especially yours!
With the primary and caucus concluded, Blaine County Democrats will concentrate on supporting our legislators, Ron Taylor and Ned Burns, and our first time candidate, Chris Hansen, in their election to the state legislature. Our support is also needed for Morgan Ballis for sheriff.
Thanks for all you do!
Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair
"I'm running because Idaho needs an old-fashioned Democrat who fights for working families, women's rights, public education, and protecting clean air and water on our public lands. The politics of the State Legislature have swerved so far right that the truck of the people has landed in a ditch. I'm here to get the truck out of the ditch and back on the road again."
Chris Hansen, candidate for Idaho Legislative District 26 Representative, Seat B
Take 5 (Actions) for 5B!
Make a donation to one (or more) of our candidates! Contact them through their web site or directly at their email. You could also let them know you will door knock or make phone calls with them.
Ron Taylor - Rontaylorforsenate.com
Ned Burns - Nedburnsforidaho.com
Chris Hansen - hansenforidaho.com email: hansenforidaho@gmail.com
Morgan Ballis - morgan4sheriff.org email: morgan4bcsheriff@gmail.com
Volunteer Locally to Make a Difference!
Our new field organizer for this election season, will be in the valley soon to start organizing to Get Out the Vote! They will be working on door knocking and phone banking and has lots of other ideas. We need help canvassing, phone banking, and yard sign and campaign literature distribution, and office work. Contact blainecountydems@gmail.com!
Here are some other ways to get involved:
In June, we celebrate and recognize Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising. In Idaho and across the country, we have seen targeted legislative and judicial attacks against LGBTQ individuals. As a party, we must stand strong in the face of hate and fight for a future where all Idahoans can live a life with equity, dignity, protection, and freedom.
Blaine County Democrats will be hosting a table during events at Pride during the week of June 26 - 29. Step-up to help register voters and sign-up other volunteer!Contact blainecountydems@gmail.com.
All three statehouse legislative Democratic candidates, Ron Taylor, Ned Burns and Chris Hansen, will be joining us, carrying signs with Democratic values for all to see!
Stand for Democratic values and join locals Dems the parade!
Our candidates are working hard and need our help. Contact us at blainecountydems@gmail.com to volunteer.
May Update
May is a big month for Democrats!
May 3rd was the Clint and Michelle Stennett Social—and was a great success. We had an attendance of over 170 people. We raised money with our auction and spent the evening socializing and hearing our Democratic candidates. Thanks to Bev Robinson, Janie Davidson, and Karen Bliss—the committee members—and GG Luke who worked overtime obtaining auction items.
The primary election is May 21. The Blaine County Democrats voted to endorse Linday Mollineaux for county commissioner. Lindsay was extensively vetted by our committee to fill the spot left vacant with the death of Dick Fosbury. We believe Lindsay has the expertise, practical experience and management skills that Blaine County needs.
Blaine County Democrats also endorsed the school levy. Please remember to vote in flavor!
The Presidential Caucus is May 23 and will be held at the Hailey Town Center from 5-8 pm. The caucus chooses delegates to the state convention which will be held in June. You can come by any time between 5-8 pm to cast your vote. Delegates to the state convention need your support. We hope to see you there.
Willa Beriker, our Legislative District 26 organizer will begin May 13 with training in Boise before she begins her work for our district. We are looking forward to working with her!
Coming up in June- State Convention and Pride Event in Sun Valley.
Thanks for all you do for Blaine County Democrats.
—Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair
Presidential Caucus on May 23
The Idaho State Democratic Party will hold a Presidential Caucus to select a presidential preference and elect delegates to the State Convention on Thursday, May 23. The County Caucus will take place from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. local time and will be hosted at the Hailey Town Hall 2024 Presidential Nomination Caucus | Idaho Democratic Party (idahodems.org).
What’s a Caucus?
The Idaho State Democratic Party will hold a Presidential Caucus to select a presidential preference and elect delegates to the State Convention on Thursday, May 23. The County Caucuses will take place from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. local time and will be hosted at locations assigned by county parties statewide.
The only voters who can participate in the caucus are registered Democrats and Unaffiliated voters who sign a pledge that they are participating as Democrats and have not participated in any other party nominating contest for President.
We will also allow anyone who is 17 and will be 18 by the general election date to participate.
We will also allow people to register and change their party affiliation at the caucus location.
For more information on the caucus, to sign up to become a delegate to the state convention, or sign up to volunteer at a caucus please visit idahodems.org/caucus/
Blaine County Democrats endorse Lindsay Moullineaux
Blaine County Democrats are pleased to endorse Lindsay Mollineaux for County Commissioner.
Lindsay has the expertise, practical experience, and management skills that Blaine County requires for a thriving future. Raised in Idaho and trained as an economist, her experience includes working at the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, the City of New York, and as the executive director of the Environmental Resource Center in Ketchum.
Lindsay jumped full force into representing all the people in Blaine County, after being extensively vetted by our committee to fill the big shoes of the late Dick Fosbury.
Appointed by Gov. Brad Little, Lindsay has shown to be up to the challenge, not afraid to ask difficult questions and to lead with transparency.
Vote for Lindsay Mollineaux for County Commissioner!
Early voting is available through Friday, May 17 at the Old Blaine County Courthouse.
The Primary Voting day is Tuesday, May 21 when voting takes place in your precinct. Check your registration here: https://voteidaho.gov/voter-registration/
Want to Really Get involved in Grassroots Politics?
Election Season is Heating Up in Blaine County!
Tuesday, May 21st - Vote in the Idaho State Primary Elections! This includes legislative primary races and precinct captain elections.
Find everything you need to cast your ballot here !
Thursday, May 23, the Idaho Democratic Presidential Caucus takes place. 5 til 8 pm at Hailey Town Center West! It will only take a few minutes. Just stop by, vote, and make your voice heard! Note! Get more information and RSVP here !
We hope to see everyone getting out and heating up Blaine County! Vote Blue!
As always, thank you for your support. We are working hard to win back the legislative seat we lost in the last election AND keep the two seats we have.
A special thanks to our legislators, Ned Burns and Ron Taylor for fighting hard for the right of all Idahoans AND to our newest candidate, Chris Hansen, for stepping up to take back the seat we lost!
For more information on how to volunteer, visit blainecountydemocrats.org/volunteer. To support Blaine County Dems to GET OUT THE VOTE, DONATE here .
All D’s for Blaine County!
—Your friends at The Blaine County Democratic Central Committee
Contested Primary Candidates
Commissioner District 1
Chris Johnson (D), (208) 969-1225 cjforbc@gmail.com
Lindsay Mollineaux (D), (208) 720-6823 lmollineaux@gmail.com
Morgan Ballis (D), (208) 721-5516 morgan4BCSheriff@gmail.com
Steve Harkins (D), (208) 720-1060 Harkins4Sheriff@gmail.com
Democratic Precinct Committeeman
01 North Blaine County Candice Stark
02 Sun Valley LeRoy Hayes
04 South Ketchum GG Luke
05 Quigley Chantal Westerman
06 Deer Creek Lara McLean
07 NW Hailey Dana Dugan
08 NE Hailey Patricia Dorr
10 NW Woodside Pedro Manuel Miramontes Ortíz
11 SE Woodside Karen Bliss
12 Poverty Flat Linda McMahon
15 Gannett / Picabo Pamela Ridgway
Candidates Introduce Themselves at Clint and Michelle Stennett Social
View story at the Idaho Mountain Express website.