Selection Committee recommends three candidates for commissioner vacancy appointment

The Blaine County Democrats special Selection Committee has received, interviewed, and recommended three candidates from whom Governor Little will appoint to fill recently deceased Commissioner Dick Fosbury’s vacancy.

The Committee feels strong about all three candidates, who include Bellevue Mayor Kathryn Goldman, Environmental Resource Center executive director Lindsay Mollineaux, and Blaine County Human Resources generalist Justin Highhouse.

The governor will announce his appoint no later than April 12.

Remembering Dick Fosbury

Manuel Queimadelos Alonso / Getty Images


With the passing of Dick Fosbury, Blaine County lost not only a great representative in local government but also one of its finest inspirations. An avid Democrat, Dick dedicated his life to bettering the community and will be remembered fondly as a great representative for our area. A champion Olympic high jumper, Dick achieved remarkable athletic feats and is remembered as a true inspiration whose legacy will continue to motivate future generations within athletics. His passing is a great loss but Blaine County will never forget his great efforts and positive influence.

Send a message of condolence to Michelle

Our deepest condolences go out to former senator Michelle Stennett who recently lost her mother. It is heartbreaking to lose a loved one, and we hope she will be able to find some comfort in those from our tight-knit community.

We are all so appreciative of Michelle’s contributions to the Democratic representation that we have here in Idaho and for everything she has done for us.

Please take the time to post a message of condolence in the comment section below, sending her your kind thoughts during this difficult time. And please leave your name and / or email address after submitting your comment should she to contact you back at a later date.

Sending-off Sen. Ron Taylor and Rep. Ned Burns

Sen. Ron Taylor listens to a question from a 2023 Legislative Send-off attendee.

Community Democrats came together to wish Sen. Ron and Rep. Ned a strong legislative session. The work begins now! Let’s stayed tuned and help our reps support an Idaho for the many, not the few.

The support of Democrats and generous volunteers in our community was evident when everyone gathered together to offer best wishes to Sen. Ron and Rep. Ned as they prepare for their upcoming legislative session. It was truly inspiring to see like-minded Democrats coming together to send-off our newly-elected Blaine County reps. Now it's time to support their efforts, stay tuned to the news, and help ensure that our representatives support an Idaho for the many, not just the few. Consider donating a bit of your time when the the time comes to act. Here’s to making a difference for Idaho!

Rep. Ned Burns addresses attendees with an insight on what to expect in the up-coming Idaho legislative session.

Chilly day, warm elections

The Wood River Valley woke up to more snow. But that didn’t stop Ron Taylor’s volunteers from displaying their support. Positioned at four different locations throughout Hailey and Ketchum, the chilly morning had nothing on the warm encouragement to get voters to the polls from Ron’s team.

Ron Taylor and LD26 chair Janie Davidson encourage voters to get to the polls.

Election Day is already here!

Election Day is upon us!

And I’m constantly humbled by the handfuls of volunteers that are bearing the weather and dedicating the time to support our legislative district candidates. Our community has really stepped up to the occasion to fight for our district’s future, reaffirming my belief in Ron, Ned, and Karma.

Our grade-A field organizer Scout Hutchinson has been working ‘round the clock to organize, train, and support door knocker and phone bankers. Her leadership is making a difference in helping us gain the support of voters and getting them to plan for casting their ballots.

We’re working hard to ensure Democratic representation at the statehouse for Blaine County. And there’s always room for another volunteer. Sign-up to push Ron, Ned, and Karma over the victory line!

—Pedro Manuel, chair, Blaine County Democrats.

Scout Hutchinson prepares Åsa Chandler, Karen Bliss, and Judy Foster for an Election Day eve GOTV door knock.

Helen Stone has placed a multitude of calls, encouraging voters to show up on Election Day.

Senate candidate Ron Taylor never stops campaigning! He continues his efforts by phone banking at the Blaine County Democratic Headquarters.

Georgia Hutchinson has been phone banking for at least three shifts a day since Friday, November 4.

We're getting out the vote!

Over 50 volunteers from Blaine County and from around the state showed support to LD26 Democratic candidates by knocking on over 2,700 doors in one day!

Over 50 volunteers from Blaine County and from around the state showed support to LD26 Democratic candidates by knocking on over 2,700 doors in one day!

Volunteers showed the love for LD26 Democratic candidates in this weekend's Trick Or Vote Saturday Canvass!

Our legislative district candidates started off the get-out-the-vote period with a loud showing of support! Blaine County Democrats friends Sen. Melissa Wintrow, Rep. Ilana Rubel, Boise Mayor Lauren McLean, Rep. Sally Toone, Sen. Michelle Stennet, Commissioner Muffy Davis, and former Rep. Donna Pence traveled to participate along with their volunteers! Along with our local volunteers, 52 canvassers help knock on over 2,700 doors in Blaine County in one day! The support from out-of-town leaders—two running for election themselves—highlights the importance of electing Democratic candidates in our district.

Ron Taylor, Ned Burns, and Karma Metzler Fitzgerald are really working hard to win votes! And so are volunteers who believe in our great candidates.

But our efforts cannot end there. We still need help from volunteers to leave no door un-knocked and no phone un-called in the district. We need every Democratic vote we can get for  candidates who get what Blaine County residents and Idahoans need!

Ready to support Ron, Ned, and Karma? Call or email our awesome field organizer Scout Hutchinson to help ensure that Democrats win the district election! ‭(208) 721-2590‬ •

Local Democrats welcome Republicans en route to their own door-knock.

Sen. Melissa Wintrow and her volunteers getting pumped up.

Campaign managers Zach Reid (Ned Burns) and Naomi McDougall Jones (Ron Taylor) discuss canvassing efforts.

Blaine County Democrats vice chair Karen Bliss and volunteer Judy Foster plan a future door knock.

Volunteers gather around to find out who won best costume.

April 27, 2021: Rep. Sally Toone & Rep. Muffy Davis Session Update


The House GOP passed a bill to discourage educators from teaching anything in relation to “social justice,” as a way to pacify far-right legislators, who have held both the public and higher education budgets hostage due to unfounded concerns over curricula in Idaho schools. HB 377 passed on a party-line vote. Read Democrats’ release on the legislation here.

This bill will have a chilling effect on free speech in the classroom.


The House passed SJR 102 on Tuesday in a 54-15 vote. It would allow lawmakers to call themselves back into special sessions whenever 60% of the members of each House request it. The measure will now go to voters in the 2022 November general election, who must approve it by majority vote to change the Idaho Constitution.

Ironically, it would take 100% of all districts to way in to bring a ballot initiative to the voters. Unfortunately also, are bonds and levies for the state must pass with a 66 2/3% of voters.


The Senate passed SB1211 on a party-line vote Thursday, altering how the state manages the wolf populations in Idaho. The new bill would allow the state to hire private contractors to kill up to 90% of the wolves roaming Idaho.

The House Resources and Conservation Committee continued the debate and forwarded SB1211, to the floor on another party-line vote. It was asked to the Fish & Game administrator during the hearing if passed, would it be legal to shoot wolves at night, and further would it be legal to use night vision gear to take wolves, he answered yes to both.

Ethical hunters know when shooting hours are, and if we no longer have them, what is to stop unethical hunters who have a wolf tag to also shoot a big game animal at night? It is a slippery slope and while the majority of hunters would never take a big game animal at night, this would make it impossible for Game Officers to tell whether an animal was taken during shooting hours.

Other concerns are the difficulty in which our ranchers face compensation for loss of livestock. The state of Idaho could loose its primacy in dealing with an "Endangered Species" with the federal management plan if populations change drastically. This legislation would need significant work in several areas, plus it is not supported by the Idaho Fish & Game Commission as well as The Idaho Sportsmen.


The House moved SB1150 to the amending order after an hour long debate. This bill further restricts the initiative process by requiring all signatures to be gathered in Idaho only. This would take away the initiative rights of those who are Idaho citizens and registered to vote. There were questions about how the bill, which requires initiative signatures to be gathered only while the signer is physically present in the state of Idaho would affect Idahoans serving in the military, either out of state or overseas; Idahoans serving religious missions; college students or those doing business out-of-state. There was speculation that this legislation was designed to prevent those backing an Idaho medical marijuana initiative from collecting signatures.


  • Gooding County Historical Museum & Research Center/Schoolhouse will open Saturday, May 1 with a grand celebration! Join us 1:00-4:00 pm for free tour of Museum and historic Thorn Creek School. Refreshments, too!! Speakers Night Lectures 3rd Wednesdays of May, June & July 2021 at 7 pm at Museum

  • The Soldier Creek Ranch in Camas County has been award the "Century Ranch" status by the Idaho State Historical Society. The ranch is owned and operated by Janet Dennis and family. Congratulations to you and your family.



The Senate killed a House-amended bill, SB1061, that tried, for a second time, to eliminate the August election, despite concerns from school districts across the state that the change would hamper their budget and levy process. House and Senate Democrats were opposed.

The Senate voted to concur with House amendments to a city election bill that would move all non-partisan city elections from odd-numbered years to even-numbered years. SB1111 was a consensus bill adjusting rules for by-district elections in Idaho’s largest cities that lawmakers enacted last year. Democrats were opposed.


The Senate failed to override the governor's veto of SB 1136, the emergency powers bill that Gov. Brad Little vetoed on April 16. The Senate's vote was 23-12, one vote short of the two-thirds margin required to override a veto.



The House passed HB 380, the new version of the big income tax cut. The previous bill, HB 332, is on the Senate amending orders and this attempts to skirt that process. “This is not the bill that our constituents are asking us for,” said Rep. Lauren Necochea, D-Boise. “We would be much better serving them if we sent this money out to counties to reduce property taxes.” All Democrats voted against the legislation.


In the House Ways and Means committee on Friday, a concurrent resolution was introduced, authorizing this year’s Legislature to recess until a date no later than Sept. 1, and not receive per diem for expenses in the meantime when they’re not actually convened. It would be the decision of the Speaker of the House and Senate Pro Tem.