Thanks to the Social committee of GG Luke, Bev Robinson, Janie Davidson. Karen Bliss for a wonderful event!
A word from our Chair
Greetings, Friends! May was a very big month for Blaine County Democrats.Here’s what’s been happening:
The Clint and Michelle Stennett Social was successful on many fronts: over 170 attended and we met our fundraising goal. We heard from all our candidates and they are impressive! The food was great and there was lots of catching up with old friends. Thanks to the Social committee of Bev Robinson, Janie Davidson, Karen Bliss, and GG Luke for a wonderful event!
Congrats to Morgan Ballis successfully receiving the Democratic nomination for sheriff. Morgan needs our support to win in November!
Lindsay Mollineaux won the primary for county commissioner. There was no Republican nominee, which means Lindsay remains as county commissioner. Congratulations!
We elected eleven Precinct Captains. Thanks to all the Precinct Captainsfor committing your time and talents to our local party. We are looking to fill five more positions as precinct captains. If you are interested, please let us know.
We held the Democratic caucus two days after the primary election. Joe Biden is our candidate. We also determined our delegates to the state convention, which is June 22. Thank you, Pamela Ridgway for all your work!
Karen Bliss, chair of Legislative District 26, was in Jerome assisting the Jerome caucus along with Bev Robinson who is the regional chair. Gini Ballou was in Lincoln County caucusing there.
Chantal Westerman, vice chair of Legislative District 26, convened a reorganization meeting of the Legislative District 26 committee and the committee elected officers for that group for the next two years.
Every vote in Blaine County counts – especially yours!
With the primary and caucus concluded, Blaine County Democrats will concentrate on supporting our legislators, Ron Taylor and Ned Burns, and our first time candidate, Chris Hansen, in their election to the state legislature. Our support is also needed for Morgan Ballis for sheriff.
Thanks for all you do!
Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair
"I'm running because Idaho needs an old-fashioned Democrat who fights for working families, women's rights, public education, and protecting clean air and water on our public lands. The politics of the State Legislature have swerved so far right that the truck of the people has landed in a ditch. I'm here to get the truck out of the ditch and back on the road again."
Chris Hansen, candidate for Idaho Legislative District 26 Representative, Seat B
Take 5 (Actions) for 5B!
Make a donation to one (or more) of our candidates! Contact them through their web site or directly at their email. You could also let them know you will door knock or make phone calls with them.
Ron Taylor -
Ned Burns -
Chris Hansen - email:
Morgan Ballis - email:
Volunteer Locally to Make a Difference!
Our new field organizer for this election season, will be in the valley soon to start organizing to Get Out the Vote! They will be working on door knocking and phone banking and has lots of other ideas. We need help canvassing, phone banking, and yard sign and campaign literature distribution, and office work. Contact!
Here are some other ways to get involved:
In June, we celebrate and recognize Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising. In Idaho and across the country, we have seen targeted legislative and judicial attacks against LGBTQ individuals. As a party, we must stand strong in the face of hate and fight for a future where all Idahoans can live a life with equity, dignity, protection, and freedom.
Blaine County Democrats will be hosting a table during events at Pride during the week of June 26 - 29. Step-up to help register voters and sign-up other volunteer!Contact
All three statehouse legislative Democratic candidates, Ron Taylor, Ned Burns and Chris Hansen, will be joining us, carrying signs with Democratic values for all to see!
Stand for Democratic values and join locals Dems the parade!
Our candidates are working hard and need our help. Contact us at to volunteer.