April Update

Dear Fellow Democrats,

So many opportunities for you to Take 5 for 5B this month.

 We have Democratic primaries in Blaine County. The incumbents spoke at our last meeting, and the challengers will be at our April meeting. For Sheriff, we have the incumbent Steve Harkins and his challenger Morgan Ballis. For County Commissioner, the incumbent is Lindsay Mollineaux and the challenger is Chris Johnson. Our legislative candidates are running unopposed. Our incumbents are Ron Taylor and Ned Burns. Joining them is Chris Hansen who has filed against Republican Jack Nelson. We look forward to working to elect these candidates.

 All of these candidates are looking for help with their campaigns. Look below for contact information for the candidates. I am sure they are looking for help with phone calling, donations, door knocking and all the work that goes into a campaign.

You will also be electing the precinct captains for your precincts. Thanks to all the people who signed up to be a precinct captain-list below.

 Organizer: Great news, the organizer for Blaine County and Legislative District 26 is Willa Beriker. Willa is a graduate of Wood River High School and is scheduled to graduate from the University of Kansas in May. She will begin May 13.  Welcome Willa! Start thinking about the ways we can support Willa as she begins her work. There will be opportunities for door knocking and phone banking coming your way.

 —Deborah Silver, Blaine County Democrats Chair

Contribute to local Dems!

Blaine County Democrats needs your active involvement and help. We welcome you as a volunteer and we urge you to contribute to BCD. Your donation will help fuel the campaigns of our local Democratic candidates, all of whom are dedicated to addressing the pressing issues facing our region, from water and the public lands, to education and healthcare accessibility, to housing and economic prosperity throughout the Wood River Valley and the Gem State. By contributing, you're not just backing a political party; you're supporting initiatives that prioritize education, healthcare, infrastructure, and public lands. Every dollar you donate helps fund essential campaign activities, such as voter outreach, grassroots organizing, and candidate support, ensuring that our voices are heard and our values represented in local government. Together, we can build a brighter, more equitable future for all residents of Blaine County. Donate today and be a part of positive change in our community. To donate click here and to join us as a volunteer email blainecountydems@gmail.com.

Clint & Michelle Stennett Social tickets available soon!

Tickets for the Clint and Michelle Stennett Social will be available soon at blainecountydemocrats.org or theargyros.org. Admission will be $50.00 per ticket and $35.00 for those 35 years-old and under. 

And get ready to get your bid on! Auction lots will include a vacation at an oceanfront villa in Akumal, Mexico, Sun Valley Golfing for Two package, and a Summer Wine Party for Eight, and much more. Online bidding starts on Thursday, April 25th at 5:00 PM, with the final opportunity to bid by 5:00 PM on Thursday, May 2nd.

Your participation in both events will contribute significantly to sustaining our mission for 2024 and ensuring Democratic representation in Blaine County, LD26 statehouse elections and the pivotal national election. Please contact ld26democrats@gmail.comfor questions.

Primary Elections on May 21

Party Primary Elections to select party candidates for federal, state, and county offices are held in even-numbered years on the third Tuesday in May. Those candidates who receive the most votes during the primary election go on to run in the general election.

Your party choice can affect which primary election races you are eligible to vote in. 

In Idaho, each political party chooses which voters may participate in the primary election for that party. Your party choice can affect which primary election races you are eligible to vote in. Learn more about political party affiliation in Idaho.

Any voter may choose to vote on a non-partisan ballot, which includes ballot measure questions and judicial positions.


You can vote at your regular polling place or absentee vote. Start your request hereAbsentee requests must be done on an annual basis-they are only good one year at a time.

Presidential Caucus on May 23

The Idaho State Democratic Party will hold a Presidential Caucus to select a presidential preference and elect delegates to the State Convention on Thursday, May 23. The County Caucus will take place from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. local time and will be hosted at the Hailey Town Hall 2024 Presidential Nomination Caucus | Idaho Democratic Party (idahodems.org).

Contested Primary Candidates

Commissioner District 1

Chris Johnson (D), (208) 969-1225 cjforbc@gmail.com

Lindsay Mollineaux (D), (208) 720-6823 lmollineaux@gmail.com



Morgan Ballis (D), (208) 721-5516 morgan4BCSheriff@gmail.com

Steve Harkins (D), (208) 720-1060 Harkins4Sheriff@gmail.com


Democratic Precinct Committeeman

01 North Blaine County Candice Stark

02 Sun Valley LeRoy Hayes

04 South Ketchum GG Luke

05 Quigley Chantal Westerman

06 Deer Creek Lara McLean

07 NW Hailey Dana Dugan

08 NE Hailey Patricia Dorr

10 NW Woodside Pedro Manuel Miramontes Ortíz

11 SE Woodside Karen Bliss

12 Poverty Flat Linda McMahon

15 Gannett / Picabo Pamela Ridgway