Holding legislators accountable for their vote to silence Idaho voters requires a strong and immediate public outcry. Please write a letter to the editor and to Governor Little (scroll down for contact info), speaking out against SB 1159.
Talking points for your letters to the editor:
Idaho’s initiative law already makes it challenging for citizens to put a measure on the ballot. Revised in 2013, the law created one of the highest standards in the nation for a citizen initiative to qualify for a vote. It’s not broken and it doesn’t need to be fixed.
If SB 1159 becomes law, grassroots citizens’ initiatives based on volunteers will be impossible to qualify for the ballot. It will require huge amounts of money to collect signatures in 180 days and only out of state, big money, special interests, like MoneyTree, will be able to put an issue on the ballot.
SB 1159 locks regular Idahoans out of the initiative process, infringes on our constitutional right to make a law, and silences Idaho voters. Senator Grow should listen to the citizens of Idaho, not MoneyTree, Inc.
Taking our voice away is not the Idaho way.
How to submit your letter to the editor:
Submit your letter to the Times News on their website.
Idaho Mountain Express: letters@mtexpress.com
The Weekly Sun: email to publisher@theweeklysun.com