Upcoming Events
Hailey Town Center West – Join us for an important discussion with our speaker Luke Mayville from Reclaim Idaho who will be addressing important topics such as vouchers, Medicaid expansion and the initiative process in Idaho.
Stay tuned for more details about this festive evening of camaraderie and Democratic spirit.
Virtual Event - Hosted by the National Federation of Democratic Women, featuring Democratic All-Stars leading the charge to defend our rights and build a brighter future. Together, we’ll strategize, mobilize, and take action to uphold our values. Registration required: www.nfdwwib.com. #AccelerateAction!
Boise – Hosted by the Idaho Democratic Party and featuring Rep. Eric Swalwell, DNC Vice Chair Malcolm Kenyatta, and Boise Mayor Lauren McLean. 1,000+ Democrats from across Idaho will celebrate our shared commitment to progress. Boise Centre, 850 West Front Street, Boise, ID. Purchase your tickets: www.eventbrite.com/e/31st-annual-frank-and-bethine-church-gala-tickets-1196060933449.
Knob Hill Grill in Ketchum – Join fellow Democrats in creating signs for the “World Cup Good Vibes Welcome Wagon.” Express your love for democracy and public lands with creative, positive messages!
in Hailey – As visitors arrive in the Wood River Valley let’s welcome them & spread positivity about democracy. Hosted by BCD and the Idaho Democratic Women’s Caucus. Sign up for a shift (between 11:30 AM and 4:30 PM), contact GG Luke at gglukeBCD@gmail.com, 301-704-2022.